Budget Data and Charts
January, June, and September.
Budget Operating Summaries
January, June, and September.
Budget Reports and Publications, Governor’s Executive Budget Recommendation Books
Revenue Data and Charts
Monthly Actual vs. Target; Forecasts February (for January Forecast), and August (for July Forecast).
Expenditures Data and Charts
Quarterly vendor payments (quarterly 45 days after quarter end).
Employee compensation and employee count (monthly)
Contracts and Grants
Contracts and Grants Data and Charts
Semi-annually by February (1st half FY, July 1 - December 31st) and September (Full FY, July 1 - June 30th)
Financial and Audit Reports, CAFR
Annually in January (for FY ended the prior June 30th).
Financial and Audit Reports, Single Audit
Annually in March (for FY ended the prior June 30th).